Ana presented her REU research poster titled “Understanding Emotion Perception in Neurotypical and Neurodivergent Individuals” at the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention in Seattle.

REU: AI, Data Analytics, and Mixed Reality for Smart and Connected Health
at Texas State University/Texas A&M-San Antonio
Ana presented her REU research poster titled “Understanding Emotion Perception in Neurotypical and Neurodivergent Individuals” at the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention in Seattle.
Jessica Li was awarded travel funds to attend and present her paper at the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal
Jessica Li’s paper “Data Augmentation for Classifying Multiple Sclerosis Severity through Inertial Measurement Unit-Based Gait Analysis” has been accepted to the AIBH Workshop at the 2024 IEEE BIMB and will be presented in December in Lisbon, Portugal.
Maya Nachega’s, Sugru Yahaya’s, and Ila Wallace’s “Enhancing Early Diagnosis of Autism With Machine Learning Algorithms Using Postural Control Features” collaborative paper has been accepted to the 2024 IEEE 15th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON) and will be presented in October at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, New York.
Dr. Ting Liu presented Project #6’s work, “Enhancing Early Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder with Machine Learning Algorithms Using Postural Control Features,” at the 2024 DCD15-IMDRC6 in Ghent, Belgium.
Sugru Yahaya from Purdue University will be working on an extended Project Activity 6 – Enhancing early diagnosis of autism with machine learning algorithms using postural control features.
Maya Nachega from Vanderbilt University will work on Project Activity 6, Enhancing early autism diagnosis with machine learning algorithms using postural control features.
Ila Wallace’s and Hayden Cressman’s research poster, “Enhancing Early Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder with Machine Learning Algorithms Using Postural Control Features,” has been accepted to the DCD15-IMDRC6.
Evan Smith’s paper “Development of an Augmented Reality Handwashing Tool for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder” was accepted to the 2024 IEEE CCWC.
Ana L. Hernandez‘s poster “Is there gender bias in emotion identification?” was accepted to the SACNAS National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference!